Princess Canopy Dog Beds – Only The Best

Luxury Dog Beds

Product: Princess Canopy Dog Beds AKA Carriage Dog BedsMadonna Carriage Bed

Price: $1,769 and up from Bitch New York

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Princess Canopy Dog Beds.

Moulin Rouge I was recently looking into luxury dog beds for a friend, and honestly I didn’t know this was a thing. During my search, I found some of the most amazing Princess canopy dog beds that not only said luxury, but pure comfort for your dog as well.

One of my favorite sites to shop from for dogs has some of the best looking canopy beds. All of their beds are specially made, custom for the buyer as well as made with only the most high end fabrics. I have to admit, if I had the space for one of these high end beds, I would be very tempted to order one to crawl into myself.

Luxury Dog Beds – Becoming More Popular.

Since my dogs sleep with me in my bed, naturally their bed is already a luxury dog bed; However, I wasn’t aware that these dog beds were becoming more popular with dog owners around the world.

For ages, people have cared for their dogs, wanting only the best for their four-legged friends, so it would only make sense to have a customized dog bed that allows them to sleep restfully and Flower Girlcomfortably all night.

Why Buy Luxury?

This question has popped up in my search for the best beds and it’s a very honest question. Why would I spend upwards of $2K on a dog bed when I can buy the standard dog bed for only $100. Well, why do people buy high end furniture over the garbage that most low end furniture stores sell – quality.

If you buy a couch that’s made with real leather versus a couch that’s made with bonded leather, you’ll find that your real leather couch lasts much longer then the low budget one.

True story – A friend of mine was looking for new couches and went to a low-end furniture store in Alaska and purchased some couches that were being sold as “Real Leather”. Unfortunately, after only 3 short years the couches started to deteriorate at a rapid pace. They were very upset of course, and when they confronted the store about the couches, they were told that the couches were a bonded leather that they no longer sold and that it was one of the worst types of material any manufacturer used. To add to that, the warranty didn’t cover such things and they were stuck purchasing new ones.

Did they return to that store for the new couches? No. They paid the extra thousands to get the quality furniture they wanted and now, 10 years later, the couches still look new.

Baby Doll Carriage BedIt’s the same with quality dog beds. A company like Bitch New York backs up all their products 100% and of all the items I’ve ordered from there, everything has been top quality.


Personally, I have not ordered this bed for my dogs.   Simply because I lack the space required and my dogs are not exactly luxury dogs.  We live in Alaska and my dogs get into everything in the woods behind our house. It would only be a matter of time before the woods found their way into their beds. Besides, they sleep in my bed with me already and I can assure you, my bed is top-notch!

My friend however, is very excited about these beds and has already put one on order. Because these beds are made with quality and are custom, they do take about 3 weeks before they ship.

There are quite a few different styles to choose from and they are:Royal Carriage Bed

  • Royal Carriage Dog Bed $1,769 USD
  • Baby Doll Carriage Bed $1,769 USD
  • Flower Girl Carriage Bed $1,769 USD
  • Moulin Rouge Carriage Bed $2,207 USD – my favorite
  • Madonna Carriage Bed $2,207 USD

If you’re looking for only the best luxurious dog beds, then look no further. Pick yours today and you won’t be disappointed.

*Pictures above are links that will take you directly to the site for these beds.



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6 thoughts on “Princess Canopy Dog Beds – Only The Best

  1. Very cute princess canopy dog beds. I really like the pink one. I will pass this post onto a friend who is dog owner to benefit from it. Thank you for sharing it with us all.

    Best wishes

  2. Oh my! these beds are just gorgeous! I have to have one, I didn’t even know such luxury existed, they’re amazing! I agree with you, I could sleep in there myself.
    love them!

    1. Amy,

      Aren’t they just to die for? I couldn’t resist writing an article about these once my friend asked me to look into the luxury beds for her dog. I was amazed that these beds even exist! If they were larger in size, I would definitely want to curl up in one and just sleep!

      Glad you loved them, thanks for reading!


  3. Hi Katrina,

    Interesting post! I didn’t even know this kind of dog beds exist.

    I like dogs but don’t have one at the moment. However, I have a few friends who own dogs and might be interested in this so I will recommend your post for them.

    Best Regards,

    1. Joonas,

      Thanks! I hope your friends fall in love with them as much as we did! I mentioned to another reader that I wish they made them large size so I could curl up in one. I have a small dog myself that would love this, but she refuses to be away from my body more than 10 minutes, so I know she wouldn’t ever sleep in it. She’s too attached to me and sleeps right by my head all night on the softest pillow I’ve ever bought.
      Thanks for reading and glad you enjoyed this article!


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