Christmas Hat for Small Dogs – Review

Santa's Hat

Product: Holiday Tails Santa’s Magic Dog Hat Santa's Hat

Price: $4.99 on Sale Now

Retailer: Petco

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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Holiday Tails Santa’s Magic Dog Hat.

We’re in full swing of the Holiday season now and many dog owners have asked where to get a Christmas hat for small dogs. I’ve even had people tell me that they need one for their cat. Well, because this particular one comes in small to large sizes, your cat will be able to wear it as well.

For those that plan on bringing their pets to other homes for the season, this hat may be just the wardrobe addition your dog or cat will need to be the joy of the party. In times like today, in 2020, we’re in turmoil over the effects that COVID-19 is having on everyone. Especially in Alaska since starting next week, we’re going back into a “Hunker Down” mode.

I recently wrote an article on the dangers of bringing your dog and cat to other homes that maybe don’t have pets. Click here to read more about dangers. However, we know that for us, our furry friends are family. Of course we’re going to bring them with us!

Why not bring them over in style? Show off that they can be Santa too, just like Dad or Grandpa on Christmas. I do want to leave a side note, hopefully you’re being safe with who you have dinner with. We know that COVID is in dire numbers in Alaska, so be wary of the size of your gatherings.

For those of that plan on having dinner with family though, have fun and dress them up!

What I Like About Holiday Tails Santa’s Magic Dog Hat.

First, I love that things are going on sale all over the retailers right now. While many didn’t participate in the traditional Black Friday craziness, I’m still shopping online. At Petco, most of their Holiday apparel is on sale. We know they need to blow through their inventory before January 1st. So, now’s the time to shop for that Holiday stuff. Normally this hat is $9.99, but today, it’s $4.99. It’s just the perfect Christmas hat for small dogs.

Secondly, I like that this hat stays put. It has a strap that wraps around your dogs head and keeps it in place. Now, if your dog hates hats, they’ll probably just rip this one off. It doesn’t stay put like glue, it’s just a strap folks. I have one dog that hates all clothing – Harry. Can’t stand it. So, I don’t buy him much. A coat and a sweater, that’s it. And that’s only if I decide to take him outside. It’s cold right now, he needs protection.

Last, I love that this hat is so festive. I have a Santa coat for Buttons, my smallest dog. I have to say, she loves being dressed up. She literally prances around when she’s in clothing like a princess. Naturally, this hat was the perfect combination for her Santa coat.

This Hat Can Go On A Cat.

For those that have asked me specifically about cats, yes, this hat can be worn by your cat. I know it’s not something you see every day, a cat going with their human to a gathering. However, people that have cats feel the same love and affection as we do for dogs.

I had a reader comment that they do take their cat with them to holiday gatherings. Their family is used to them bringing their cat along. They even have a harness and leash setup to let them outside to do their business. I must say, it’s not often you see a cat behaving like a dog. But they’re out there!

Since I love all animals equally, of course I would have to include the cats in this holiday season. Especially this year when we need all the cheer we can get!

So, go on to Petco’s site, click this link, and get you a Santa Hat for your furry friend. Bring them with you to dinner and enjoy the time we get to spend with loved ones. Regardless if you’re eating at home with just your small family; doesn’t matter. There’s cheer to be had on your furry friend’s head!

What are your plans this Holiday season? Staying home? Cooking for your family? Visiting your family and having a small gathering?

Whatever your season will look like, be sure to make the most of it. Let’s see 2020 end on a good, festive note. Click here to buy it today for 50% off.

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6 thoughts on “Christmas Hat for Small Dogs – Review

  1. Cute! Cute! so Cute! This dog seems quite happy with his head gear. No complaints there! It just brings a smile to one’s face.

    I know a couple of friends who will thank me for sending this information their way. Hope their pets don’t rip them off – I guess they may just find it uncomfortable. You can’t know if you don’t try, so we’ll see…….

    Love your cute outfit ideas!

    1. Thanks Ceci! Yes, feel free to share. My dogs love the hats, except my male dog of course. But my females love the hats and their clothes! Besides, it makes everyone happy when they come in the room with their santa hat on. It’s really cute to watch everyone’s faces light up.

      Thanks for reading and I’m glad you enjoyed this one!


  2. Although my dogs (except for one) love to wear dog sweaters and coats, they are not very impressed with hats. Tommeeh, my Pit Bull, will try to get it off, and Lucy, my maltipoo, will probably do that too. I have tried hats on them and they never lasted long. I love this one, though, and since the strap is long, it might stay on longer, which means that Tommeeh and Lucy will eventually stop trying to pull it off 😉 We’ll see how it goes. For this Christmas I am planning to stay home and have a relaxing evening, nothing fancy, perhaps some sparkling wine. Usually around Christmas people here set off fireworks in the streets, and so it is better if I stay home with the dogs and cats, because the fireworks freak them out.

    1. Christine,

      Yes – not all dogs like hats. My females like them and will let me put them on them. My male of course hates any type of clothing, no matter what it is. This hat does have a good strap on it, so it stays put longer than some others I’ve tried in the past. That’s why I wanted to share this one with the world. It’s a pretty awesome hat for only $5.
      I’d stay home with the dogs too during the fireworks. Mine don’t like fireworks either, as most dogs don’t. Annie, my older dog that passed earlier this year hated fireworks. She would hide under the bed, or in a closet and shake uncontrollably. I always had to stay close to her during them otherwise she would freak out and get stuck under the bed. She was too big to fit under there, but she tried.

      Thanks for reading this one! Glad you enjoyed it.


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