Now that summer is in full swing, camping with your dog is a must, if you like to camp. As dog owners, we know that we have to take our dog with us. That, or get a house sitter, or a dog sitter. Dogs are not like cats. You can just leave cats some food […]
Kong Toys For Dogs – Why They’re The Best
For all of my readers out there with dogs, I’m sure you’ve all experienced the frustration of buying toys and within a matter of minutes, the toy is destroyed. Annie, my 14 year old dog used to chew her toys up within seconds of bringing them home. At one point, I stopped even buying her […]
Running With My Dog – How To Start
A lot of people ask me how I get started with running with my dog. Well, there are a few things to think about before you start. First, is your dog able to run with you in the first place? Meaning, what breed of dog do you have? Some breeds can’t keep up, no matter […]
Party Hats For Dogs?
Product: Party Hats for Dogs Price: Only $7-$9! Where to Buy: Bitch New York Rating: A 10! Duh! Party Hats for Dogs. I didn’t know such a thing existed until today! But count me in! Can you imagine a party hat on your dog? And, you can enjoy these during multiple celebrations. Birthdays, not just […]
Dog Food – How To Know Good VS Bad?
Last night, I was scrolling through Facebook and came across some pictures that were really disturbing to say the least. I was reading about a particular dog food that was causing dogs to have internal bleeding. It was also causing blockages in their intestines because of a buildup of blood. It started this whole search […]
Why I Got The Fi Dog Collar
Why I got the The Fi dog collar is a long story of how I lost Atlas last year. The Fi Dog Collar new innovative collar that not only tracks your dog via GPS, but also their activity levels. I recently joined the world of Fi because last year, Atlas was lost. While she was […]
Female Dogs Get Swollen Teats
My dog has recently been to the vet clinic for her swollen teats, and when I asked the vet what it could mean, they weren’t sure over the phone. I had to bring her in. The vet had stated that there could be a long list of reasons on why female dogs get swollen teats, […]
Dog Tracking System – FitBark Inc.
Have you been looking for a dog tracking system recently? One that actually allows you to track your dog? Not all are created equally, that’s for sure. Some tracking systems only work when a dog goes to the vet. Like the microchip. This doesn’t track a dog. It only contains information about you and the […]
Dog Combs For Shedding – The Best
It’s that time of year right now where all of our dogs are shedding massive amounts of fur. The fur that seems to be coming off of them is that fine hair that gets everywhere. Dogs shed typically twice per year. They shed their winter coat and their summer coat. So what dog combs for […]
Raincoats For Dogs – It’s The Season
Now that spring is coming upon many of us, the weather is turning wet and dogs are prone to get cold if they get too wet. A big thing that I use when I take them on walks during this season are raincoats for dogs. I want to be sure that my pets are safe […]